Testing service and consulting
Our focus is on providing the highest quality data for calibration and development of simulation models. With our expertise in battery testing and simulation, we can support the test design process
Single cell testing
Design and development of tests on single cell level. Generated data can be used for model calibration, validation, safety assessment and performance analysis
Multi cell testing
Testing multiple cells for swelling data analysis, cells ageing and more. This test setup allows to control the pressure on the cell within a small climatic chamber
Consulting on test design
With almost ten years of experience in the battery development and simulation industry, we provide support during the test design phase.
Advantages of our testing solution
The possiblity to fully control temperature and pressure/displacement on a single cell results in more accurate models. This technical advantage propagates throughout the development process, reducing development time and cost.
High precision models
We provide design and development of single cell test setup. Generated data can be used for model calibration, validation, safety assessment and performance analysis
Safer cell integration
Better knowledge of the individual cell leads to more controlled integration into a battery pack, avoiding potentially dangerous conditions in the cells stack
Faster time to market
Improved simulation models lead to a more accurate prediction of the parameters of interest. This reduces the number of design-simulation-test loops
Multiphysics single cell level testing
We self-developed our testbenches to provide unique testing features. With our testbench it is possible to reach the complete control of the physical parameters of the cell: pressure/displacement, temperature and electrical parameters can be fully controlled, indipendently and with an automated system.
FASTer results
This test bench is fully automated and can run 24 hours a day, generating data in the fastest possible way
direct cooling
With the direct thermal conditioning, the isothermal condition is reached in any condition
mechanical control
With the entire system integrated into a mechanical press, the user has full control over force or displacement
battery cycler
An integrated battery cycler allows any voltage/current profile to be applied to the cell
The generated data can be used to feed multiphysics phenomenological models including pressure, temperature, C-rate, State of Charge, Ageing and other dependent variables
all in one
Full integration of all components results in fully synchronised data across all devices. Pressure, displacement, temperatures, voltage and current are generated with a synchronised time base